
Terms of use

1. Presentation and definitions
2. Rules for using the site
3. User Partners
4. Registration of User Partners
5. personal data, privacy and security
6. Partnership Product
7. Investment
8. Product Follow-up
9. guarantees
10. Responsibilities
11. Links to other websites
12. Internet applications or computer viruses
13. Intellectual Property Rights
14. Communications and CAST - Service Center of the Secretary of Tourism
15. Duration
16. Updates to these Terms and Conditions
17. Public Registry
18. Language
19. Several
20. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

1. Presentation and definitions

This site is owned by the CITY HALL OF PRAIA GRANDE/SC, Security and privacy policy, and managed by the MUNICIPAL TOURISM SECRETARIAT of Praia Grande/SC, with address at Rua Irineu Bornhausen, n° 320, Security and privacy policy, POCKET 88990000, Security and privacy policy, and email address . This document lists the terms and conditions that must be observed by the MUNICIPAL DEPARTMENT OF TOURISM and by the user PARTNERS, ENTREPRENEURS IN THE CULINARY AREA, ACCOMMODATION AND TOURISM OPERATORS in the participation of the Site, of its tools and functionalities. The MUNICIPAL SECRETARY OF TOURISM provides access and use of the Site to any Partner Users of the areas mentioned above. The User Partner declares to have read and accepted these Terms and Conditions of Use and Policies before starting to use the Site. If the User Partner does not accept these Terms and Conditions of Use, You will not be allowed access to restricted areas of the Site. For the purposes of these Terms and Conditions of Use, as well as the Policies, the terms below shall have the following meanings: CAST means the TOURISM SECRETARIAT's Call Center is the User Partner service provided by the TOURISM SECRETARY through various communication channels, indicated in each of the Policies and in the item 14 of these Terms and Conditions of Use; The User Partners are the ENTREPRENEURS in the Culinary area, Hosting and Tour Operator who have completed the registration and hold an Access Account;
Quota is the Transaction through which a User signs the partnership offered as an investment on the Site, upon payment of a share price;
Access Account is the Credential defined by the username (login) and password of a registered partner, personal and non-transferable, that allows access to the restricted area and exclusive functionalities on the Site, such as access and alteration of personal data, registration and cancellation of participation in courses, creation, editing and removing wishlists, among others;
MUNICIPAL SECRETARY OF TOURISM is the entity that manages the website owned by the City Hall of Praia Grande/SC;
Trademark means any distinctive signs owned by and/or licensed to the MUNICIPAL DEPARTMENT OF TOURISM, that are used to identify the Site, of its content or service provided by the MUNICIPAL TOURISM SECRETARIAT; Policies are the policies that complement and integrate these Terms and Conditions of Use, nominally Quota acquisition policy, of Privacy and Security;
Intellectual Property of the MUNICIPAL DEPARTMENT OF TOURISM are all intellectual property assets owned by the MUNICIPAL DEPARTMENT OF TOURISM, from any partner company, or, still, third party, whose use is licensed and/or authorized by the MUNICIPAL DEPARTMENT OF TOURISM, including but not limited to Trademarks, patents, inventions or utility models, industrial designs, know-how, business secrets, illustrations, photographs and/or contents of any screen of the Site or any intellectual works or other contents that are inserted in any intellectual work or any asset protected by intellectual property rights. Website is the website owned by, maintained and operated by the MUNICIPAL DEPARTMENT OF TOURISM, hosted on domain [] and all the pages contained therein; and Users are any persons who access the Site, including the partners, anonymous visitors and customers.

2. Rules for using the Site

The User Partner undertakes to use the Site respecting and observing these Terms and Conditions of Use, as well as current legislation, customs and public order. Thus, the User agrees that he may not: (i) harm third party rights, regardless of its nature, at any time, including while using the Site.; (ii) perform acts that limit or prevent access to and use of the Site, under suitable conditions, to other Users; (iii) illicitly access the Site or computer systems of third parties related to the Site or to the MUNICIPAL DEPARTMENT OF TOURISM in any means or form; (iv) disseminate computer programs or viruses capable of causing damage of any kind, including in equipment and systems of the MUNICIPAL DEPARTMENT OF TOURISM or third parties; (v) use mechanisms other than those expressly enabled or recommended on the Site to obtain information, contents and services; (vi) carry out any acts that in any way may cause any loss or damage to the MUNICIPAL TOURISM SECRETARIAT or to other Users; (vii) access programming areas of the Site, databases or any other set of information that escapes the public or restricted areas of the Site; (viii) perform or allow reverse engineering, translate, Modify, change the language, to compile, decompilar, Modify, reproduce, to hire, sublet, to disclose, to transmit, to distribute, use or, other way, dispose of the Site or the tools and functionalities made available therein in any way or form, including in such a way as to violate the rights of the MUNICIPAL DEPARTMENT OF TOURISM (including Intellectual Property of the MUNICIPAL DEPARTMENT OF TOURISM) and/or third parties; (ix) practice or participate in any act that constitutes a violation of any right of the MUNICIPAL DEPARTMENT OF TOURISM (including Intellectual Property of the MUNICIPAL DEPARTMENT OF TOURISM) or third parties or any applicable law, or act in any way or manner that could contribute to such breach; (x) interfere with security or commit misuse against the Site or any system resource, network or service connected to or accessible through the Site, accessing the Site only for lawful and authorized purposes; (xi) utilizar o domínio da SECRETARIA MUNICIPAL DE TURISMO para criar links ou atalhos a serem disponibilizados em e-mails não solicitados (mensagens spam) ou em websites de terceiros ou do próprio Parceiro Usuário ou, still, para realizar qualquer tipo de ação que possa vir a prejudicar a SECRETARIA MUNICIPAL DE TURISMO ou terceiros; (xii) utilizar aplicativos automatizados de coleta e seleção de dados para realizar operações massificadas ou para quaisquer finalidades ou, still, para coletar e transferir quaisquer dados que possam ser extraídos do Site para fins não permitidos ou ilícitos; (xiii) utilizar as ferramentas e funcionalidades do Site para difundir mensagens não relacionadas com o Site ou com as finalidades do Site, incluindo mensagens de cunho racista, ethnic, political, religious, cultural or derogatory, defamatory and/or libelous of any person or social group. The User Partner agrees to indemnify, defend and exempt the MUNICIPAL TOURISM SECRETARIAT from any claim, notification, subpoena or judicial or extrajudicial action, or any liability, dano, cost or expense arising from any violation and/or infraction committed by the User Partner or any person acting on its behalf, with your consent or tolerance, in relation to the Site (including with respect to any provision of these Terms and Conditions of Use), including any person who has obtained the User Partner's data related to his Access Account or his navigation on the Site. All written content must be within the rules of the written Portuguese language and the published material must be updated and in excellent condition.. The MUNICIPAL SECRETARY OF TOURISM will screen all material to be published and may, at its sole discretion, block, restrict, disable or prevent any User Partner from accessing the Site, totally or partially, without any prior notice, whenever inappropriate conduct by the User is detected, without prejudice to administrative measures, extrajudicial and judicial proceedings that it deems convenient.

3. User Partners
THE MUNICIPAL SECRETARY OF TOURISM, through an agreement signed with APETUR – Associação Praiagrandense dos Empresários de Turismo, partnership with tourism entrepreneurs, in the gastronomy segments, Accommodation and Tour Operators, referred to here as User Partners.

4. Registration of User Partners

To gain access to the full content and all of the Site's tools and functionality, the User Partner must create an Account with personal data, which will be stored and used for identification, to be used under the terms of the Privacy and Security Policy, emphasizing that the creation of each Account presupposes express consent to the collection, use, storage and processing of personal data by the MUNICIPAL TOURISM SECRETARIAT and/or by third parties contracted by it to carry out any procedure or process related to changes, website maintenance or upgrades. Each User Partner is allowed to create only one Access Account and the MUNICIPAL TOURISM SECRETARIAT reserves the right to suspend or cancel any duplicate Access Accounts. When completing your Access Account, the User Partner declares that the information provided is complete, true, current and accurate, It is the sole responsibility of each User to update their Access Account data whenever there is a name change., address or any other relevant information. The MUNICIPAL SECRETARY OF TOURISM may refuse, suspend or cancel a Customer's Access Account whenever it suspects that the information provided is false, incomplete, outdated or inaccurate or in the cases indicated in the applicable laws and regulations, these Terms and Conditions or any Site Policy, even if previously accepted. The User Partner, when creating your Access Account, will determine your username and password.. It is the User's sole responsibility to maintain the confidentiality of the username and/or password relating to their Access Account., must immediately notify the MUNICIPAL TOURISM SECRETARIAT in case of loss, disclosure or theft of the password or unauthorized use of your Account. minors (age less than 18 years) may not use the Site, unless they are represented and/or assisted by their parents or legal guardians and authorized by them at the time of creating the Account. The realization of an Account in the name of a minor presupposes the representation of this minor by a person of legal age. 18 years, who will be held civilly and criminally liable for any act performed, committed violation or false statement, incomplete, outdated or inaccurate information provided by the minor 18 years.

5. personal data, privacy and security

The MUNICIPAL SECRETARY OF TOURISM has a specific policy to regulate the collection, storage and use of personal data, as well as your safety: Security and privacy policy. This specific policy inseparably integrates these Terms and Conditions of Use, emphasizing that the Site usage data will be archived in accordance with the legislation in force.

6. The partnership product

The MUNICIPAL SECRETARY OF TOURISM will make available on the website , for User Partner, a dynamic space containing tourist information regarding your company's activities and services offered to visitors. Companies restrict themselves to the areas of CULINARY, HOSTING AND OPERATORS. Each Partner User will receive a login and a password and will be responsible for the content of their space. Any and all content before being published will be evaluated and authorized by the MUNICIPAL TOURISM SECRETARIAT of Praia Grande/SC.

7. Investment

THE MUNICIPAL SECRETARY OF TOURISM, through an agreement signed with APETUR – Praigrandense Association of Tourism Entrepreneurs validates the act of partnership with tourism entrepreneurs in the Gastronomy segments, of Accommodation and Tour Operators and through APETUR, it realizes the opportunity for participation and partnership of all entrepreneurs in the municipality who intend to cooperate in a dynamic way on the site, through investment in a single quota of BRL 390,00 (three hundred and ninety reais). You can participate or leave the site at any time., free of charge to the SECRETARY OF TOURISM.

8. Product Follow-up
The product, reason for this partnership, designated space assigned to the User Partner, whose achievement, administration and responsibility will be of this User, will be accompanied by the MUNICIPAL TOURISM SECRETARIAT with regard to its content so as not to compromise the quality of the website .

9. guarantees

O Site, your content, its functionalities and tools are made available by the MUNICIPAL DEPARTMENT OF TOURISM as exposed and offered on the Internet, without any guarantee, express or implied, regarding the following items: (i) service, by the Site or its content of customer expectations; (ii) continued access to the Site or its content. The MUNICIPAL SECRETARY OF TOURISM reserves the right to, jointly with APETUR, Modify, at any time and without notice, the Site as well as the configuration, the presentation, the drawing, the content, the features, the tools or any other element of the Site, inclusive, if that's the case, forward its cancellation to the competent bodies of the public administration.

10. Responsibilities

The MUNICIPAL SECRETARY OF TOURISM engages its best efforts to inform, serve and protect the User Partner. The User is solely responsible for his use of the Site., of its tools and functionalities. under no circumstances, the MUNICIPAL SECRETARY OF TOURISM, the MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT or APETUR will be responsible for any resulting damage, indirect, punitive or expiatory, lost profits or other monetary damages related to any claim, legal action or other proceeding taken in connection with the use of the Site, your content, features and/or tools. notably, the responsibility of the MUNICIPAL TOURISM SECRETARIAT for the following circumstances is excluded, among others: (i) damages that the User Partner may experience due to the unavailability or partial functioning of the Site and/or all or some of its services, information, contents, functionality and/or tools, as well as the inaccuracy or inaccuracy of any of these elements; (ii) danos e prejuízos que o Usuário possa experimentar em sites de internet acessíveis por links incluídos no Site; (iii) danos e prejuízos que o Usuário possa experimentar em decorrência do uso do Site em desconformidade com estes Termos e Condições de Uso ou com qualquer norma que possa ser estipulada para o seu uso pela Secretaria Municipal de Turismo; (iv) danos e prejuízos que o Usuário possa experimentar em decorrência do uso do Site em desconformidade com a lei, com os costumes ou com a ordem pública; (v) danos e prejuízos que o Usuário possa experimentar em decorrência de falhas no Site, inclusive decorrentes de falhas no sistema, no servidor ou na conexão de rede, ou ainda de interações maliciosas como vírus, softwares que possam danificar o equipamento ou acessar informações do equipamento do Usuário; (vi) danos e prejuízos que o Usuário possa experimentar em decorrência de distorções que as imagens dos produtos possam apresentar, ressaltado o caráter meramente ilustrativo de tais imagens; among others.

11. Links to other websites

O Site pode conter links para sites de terceiros, os quais são inseridos apenas para conveniência do Usuário. A inclusão de tais links não implica qualquer vínculo, monitoramento ou responsabilidade da SECRETARIA MUNICIPAL DE TURISMO sobre os sites, respectivos conteúdos ou titulares. O acesso aos sites vinculados a tais links não é regido por esses Termos e Condições de Uso e não se encontra protegido pelas Políticas. A SECRETARIA MUNICIPAL DE TURISMO recomenda que o Parceiro Usuário consulte os termos e condições de uso estabelecidos para cada site vinculado aos links inseridos no Site. A SECRETARIA MUNICIPAL DE TURISMO não será responsável, direta ou indiretamente, por quaisquer danos ou prejuízos causados ou relacionados à utilização de qualquer informação, conteúdo, bens ou serviços disponibilizados no Site ou em qualquer site de terceiros acessado por meio dos links disponibilizados no Site.

12. Internet applications or computer viruses

Em virtude de dificuldades técnicas, aplicações de Internet ou problemas de transmissão, é possível ocorrer cópias inexatas ou incompletas das informações contidas no Site. Computer viruses or other harmful programs may also be inadvertently downloaded from the Site.. The MUNICIPAL TOURISM SECRETARIAT will not be responsible for any application, computer viruses or other harmful or invasive files or programs that may harm or affect the use of the computer or other property of User Partners due to access, use or navigation of the Site, or by downloading any material contained therein, installation of suitable antivirus applications or protectors is recommended.

13. Intellectual Property Rights

Brands. The User is not authorized to use, under any form or pretext, the marks, their partial or complete reproductions or even their imitations, regardless of the purpose of such use. The User undertakes not to contest the validity of any Brand or any other distinctive sign deposited or registered by the MUNICIPAL TOURISM SECRETARIAT or by any companies linked to it., in any form, in Brazil or abroad. The User Partner undertakes to abstain from making any use of the Marks or their variations (including spelling errors or phonetic variations) as a domain name or part of a domain name or in any company name, of any kind or nature, for the veracity and updating of the data provided, including through the creation of domain names or emails. All other brands, product names, or company names appearing on the site are the exclusive property of their respective owners..
content ownership. All Site Content – including the domain name , Software, data base, files, texts, Photos, layouts, headers and other elements – was raised, developed or assigned to the MUNICIPAL DEPARTMENT OF TOURISM, is owned by the MUNICIPAL TOURISM SECRETARIAT or licensed to it and is protected by Brazilian laws and international treaties that deal with intellectual property rights.
Prohibition of use. The User Partner, when accessing the Site, certifies that it will respect the existence and extent of the Intellectual Property rights of the MUNICIPAL DEPARTMENT OF TOURISM, as well as all rights of third parties that are used, in any capacity, on the Site or that may be made available on the Site. Access to the Site and its regular use by the User Partner does not grant it any right or prerogative over any Intellectual Property, Mark or other content inserted therein. The use is prohibited, exploration, imitation, reproduction, full or partial, of any content without the prior written authorization of the MUNICIPAL TOURISM SECRETARIAT. It is also prohibited to create any works derived from any Intellectual Property of the MUNICIPAL DEPARTMENT OF TOURISM without the prior written authorization of the MUNICIPAL DEPARTMENT OF TOURISM. It is expressly forbidden for the User partner to reproduce, to distribute, Modify, display and create derivative works or otherwise use any Intellectual Property or other content on this Site and the materials on or through the Site. The User who violates the prohibitions contained in the legislation on intellectual property and in these Terms and Conditions of Use will be held responsible, civilly and criminally, for the offenses committed. The MUNICIPAL SECRETARY OF TOURISM does not grant any authorization related to the content of the Site for any purpose. The User assumes any and all responsibility for the misuse of any Intellectual Property or Trademarks of the MUNICIPAL DEPARTMENT OF TOURISM or third parties, both civil and criminal. The photos and images used on the Site may not reflect their original size or current situation of the reproduced scenario., being merely illustrative.
Content submitted by User Partner. By submitting any content to the Site, the User retains ownership of their rights over said content (texts, videos, images, audio, among others), granting the MUNICIPAL TOURISM SECRETARIAT a free license, irrevocable, worldwide and non-exclusive for reproduction, modification, translation and display, for the veracity and updating of the data provided, inclusive no Site, declaring, still, the User Partner is the owner of all rights related to said content.

14. Communications and CAST

The MUNICIPAL TOURISM SECRETARIAT provides a CAST to receive all communications that the User Partner wishes to make. CAST operates through the communication channels listed below:
(a) in person, at the MUNICIPAL SECRETARY OF TOURISM, CAST operates through the communication channels listed below;
(CAST operates through the communication channels listed below) CAST operates through the communication channels listed below 48 35321425, from Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 18:00;
(CAST operates through the communication channels listed below) By correspondence addressed to . CAST operates through the communication channels listed below, CAST operates through the communication channels listed below, CAST operates through the communication channels listed below, CAST operates through the communication channels listed below, CAST operates through the communication channels listed below 5 (CAST operates through the communication channels listed below) days. Besides that, the MUNICIPAL SECRETARY OF TOURISM makes its Privacy and Security policy available on this website. CAST operates through the communication channels listed below. In the same way, all communications that the MUNICIPAL TOURISM SECRETARY wishes to make to the User Partner must be carried out through the email registered or used by the User in any communication with the MUNICIPAL TOURISM SECRETARIAT. Exceptionally, the MUNICIPAL TOURISM SECRETARIAT may communicate with the User Partner by other means of communication, like cell phone, SMS, WHATZAP or physical correspondence.

15. Duration

These Terms and Conditions of Use and the Policies are of indefinite duration and will remain in effect as long as the Site is active.. In the same way, access to and use of the Site and the resources it offers are subject to, in principle, indefinite duration, at the sole discretion of the MUNICIPAL SECRETARY OF TOURISM of Praia Grande/SC. This MUNICIPAL TOURISM SECRETARY reserves, However, the right to suspend and/or cancel, unilaterally and at any time, access to the Site or some of its parts or some of its resources, no need for prior notice.

16. Updates to these Terms and Conditions

The MUNICIPAL SECRETARY OF TOURISM may unilaterally revise, improve, modify and/or update, any time, any clause or provision contained in these Terms and Conditions of Use or in the Policies. The updated version will be valid for the use of the Site by the MUNICIPAL DEPARTMENT OF TOURISM. Continued access or use of this Site, after the disclosure of any modifications, will confirm the acceptance of the new Terms and Conditions of Use or the new Policies by the Users. If a User Partner does not agree with a certain change to the Policies or Terms and Conditions of Use, You may terminate your relationship with the MUNICIPAL TOURISM SECRETARIAT by requesting deletion of your Account on the Site or by contacting CAST. This termination will not exempt, However, the User Partner to comply with all obligations assumed under the previous versions of the Policies and the Terms and Conditions of Use.

17. Public Registry

These Terms and Conditions of Use, as well as all policies, are registered in the Registry of Deeds and Documents of the District of Praia Grande, SC. Any updates to these Terms and Conditions of Use, as well as any of the Policies, will be immediately registered in the same registry office.

18. Language

All legal documentation on the Site, including these Terms and Conditions of Use, was written in Portuguese. The Portuguese version of these Terms and Conditions of Use and Policies is the only one consented by the MUNICIPAL TOURISM SECRETARIAT. In case of contradiction or divergence between the Portuguese version and eventual translation into any other language, the Portuguese language version will always prevail.

19. Several
partial applicability. If the MUNICIPAL TOURISM SECRETARIAT fails to enforce or comply with any clause or condition contained in these Terms and Conditions of Use or in the Policies, this fact will not constitute withdrawal, tolerance or novation of that clause or condition of these Terms or any Policy. If any clause or condition contained in these Terms and Conditions of Use or in the Policies is declared unenforceable, in whole or in part, such unenforceability will not affect the other clauses of the Terms and Conditions of Use and the Policies. In this case, necessary adaptations will be made to reflect, as close as possible, the terms of the provision declared unenforceable.
Act of God and force majeure. Neither Party will be liable to the other when the non-compliance or untimely fulfillment of an obligation set forth in the Policies or these Terms and Conditions of Use is caused by acts of God or force majeure events., while the consequences lasted.
Principle of respect for Customers and Users. The MUNICIPAL SECRETARY OF TOURISM has as a principle of its performance in the physical and virtual environments the respect for the Partner User, always acting in accordance with the provisions of the Consumer Protection and Defense Code (Lei Federal no. 8078/90), of the Civil Rights Framework for the Internet (Lei Federal no. 12965/14).

20. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

The Site is controlled, operated and managed by the MUNICIPAL TOURISM SECRETARIAT in the city of Praia Grande, Santa Catarina state, Brazil, Accessible from any device connected to the internet, regardless of your geographic location. In view of the differences that may exist between local and national laws, when accessing the Site, the Partner User agrees that the applicable legislation for the purposes of these Terms and Conditions of Use will be the one in force in the Federative Republic of Brazil. The MUNICIPAL SECRETARY OF TOURISM and the User Partner agree that the Central Forum of the District of Santa Rosa do Sul, SC, Brazil, will be solely competent to resolve any issue or controversy arising out of or resulting from the use of the Site, expressly disclaiming any other, no matter how privileged, or come to be.
Praia Grande / SC, the 2nd of january 2018.

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